(29 January - 4 February 2024)
Finding a suitable stylised character rig
Suletta Mercury
Cat Yagi The Goat
Thep Maya Rig
(5 February - 11 February 2024)
During my tutorial of this week with one of my tutors, we went through the different pose design's I had given to the 3 character rigs that looked suitable for my FMP, the one and most obvious choice it was the "Suletta Mercury" rig made by AoiEgg. I spend so much time creating poses for her character model and having fun along the way slowly creating a personality that could lead my FMP to.
Idle Reference Videos
(12 February - 18 February 2024)
During the night before going bed my brain went poof and started filling with ideas and I had to quickly write down on my phone, the ideas were about her personality, location this game takes places, how or when does she use the ball power.
(19 February - 25 February 2024)
(26 February - 3 March 2024)
(4 March - 10 March 2024)
Environment Design Ideas in Unreal Engine
(11 March - 17 March 2024)
(18 March - 24 March 2024)
(25 March - 31March 2024)
Engine Room Game Environment Development
Top Ship Section Environment
(1 April - 7 April 2024)
(8 April - 14 April 2024)
(15 April - 21 April 2024)
Seconds before exporting my final edit of my work throughout these three months to suddenly crushing down and becoming corrupted files, I stopped thinking for a good moment to think and analyse what was happening in front of my eyes, my work gone like that..... NO! I wont let this stop me from releasing my final work and what I did to solve this instead of re-rendering all the shots and the editing knowing there was not much time left, I re-converted all the mp4 files into duplicates of the original file deleting the corrupted mp4 files and re-adding them to the edit, thankfully my final edits where still intact and I stayed up all night long recovering all of them. This is an experience I don't want to experience again specially right before deadline.